I'm now at the final of MAX 23 and over the past months I've been adding in some of your challenges too and the results are more than obvious even in the photos :)
And in addition, the time I train - every weekday, the first greeting of my day is from you :) I really don't have time for training in my daily life, but when you want - there is always a way, and the achieved results motivate me more and more more ;)

“Hi Joana! Here are my photos of the results I achieved in these 100 days. For several years in a row, I couldn't find the motivation to take action to change. Your challenge helped me decide and get started. I was afraid that I would fail again, as I had started before and failed every single time. Your challenge is just the beginning. There is still a lot to be desired in improving my form, but the beginning has been done! Your home exercises have helped me a lot, as have your nutrition tips. I feel great right now! I started 57/58 kg, now I'm 52/53 kg. I trained solely on the Summer Shred 22 program and adjusted my meals. Thank you!"

My results are thanks to your workouts only as I have not followed a diet, but in general I pay attention what I eat. The MAX23 program is WOW, I'm already at the end of it and its effect is definitely visible, with a cleaner diet I will get even better results! Thank you for everything you do and show us, you are amazing!

"Hello beautiful Joana, today was my last workout of the 100 day challenge, I feel very energized😀. I want to tell you that I have reached my desired weight, I see a big change in my body, there are also reduced centimeters, but the most important thing is that I feel great😘Thank you once again for doing all this and making us motivated more and more❤❤❤"

I have learned that motivation goes, but discipline is what keeps you going. I did the summer shred program. I loved that most of the videos are 30 minutes long. I lost 12 K. I'm beyond happy with my results. My mindset is way different now.

The workouts are great. Thank you for your support and motivation, it is a pleasure you to be my coach😊 I continue with the new Pilates Lean Pro challenge!

"I just want to say that subscribing to your online studio is one of the best decisions I've made - with you training is a pleasure and I feel great in my skin and now I have self-confidence. A huge "THANK YOU"!"

I am very happy with myself, for what I managed to achieve but there is still much to be desired :) Results in kg and cm are as follows:
Start on 17.01.21
Kg. 61.5
Waist 84 cm
Below the waist 93 cm
Hip 100cm
Thighs 57 cm
The end Kg. 57.8
Waist 75 cm
Below the waist 86 cm
Hips 96 cm
Thighs 54 cm
As of mid-February, I have started with MAX22, which I am still doing and I absolutely love. Congratulations on this program. I still have a lot of it and I will finish it strong. Thank you for the creative programs!

100 days of training, after which I balanced nutrition and increased daily activity. The result is -10 kg down and I feel great! Of course I still have a lot of work to do and this is just the beginning! Thanks!
I also want to share that your 100 day challenge gave me a great starting motivation to make a complete transformation of my lifestyle - after I started working out regularly, naturally came the need to eat better. I did the Dream Relief program, which was hellishly difficult at first, but my body's condition and endurance improved over time, and the workouts became even enjoyable. I can't do without regular exercise anymore!
Thank you for the inspiration and let's move on!💪🏻❤🙌🏻

It's all thanks to you!
I've started so many times, but it's always been for day two and that's it.
You motivate me a lot.
The exercises themselves are made in such a way that one enjoys watching and doing them.
And yes, I can't and don't want to do without them - I finally started to have self-confidence again.
All my life I will be grateful to you for having an approach and for having a sense of how things should happen.
It's like training with a very close friend :)

Thank you, Jo. You can't imagine how hard it was for me. Thank you for the encouragement and support, you change lives!!!

"100-day transformation. There is quite a difference, but I still have a long way to go. Thanks for the motivation and cool workouts!"

I am so thankful for finding you and being able to achieve amazing results. I am still far from the goal, but I will not give up. I have two children and the skin around my belly was very sagged but now I can see a great difference, but despite everything, I finally feel confident and good in my body. Some things can't be shown with photos. I feel fitter and stronger than ever!

When I look at the photos I can see a huge difference, and I owe it to you, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have achieved it!

First I want to say a big THANK YOU. My results are not Wow, but for me it is a great achievement. Because every day I was looking forward to each workout. The workouts are amazing and I will continue ahead and after the challenge.

The results are from January 15-April 15 with MAX22 program, unfortunately without a meal plan. The result is 1 size down for clothes. The hardest thing is to find time for exercise. I tried to get up at 5 in the morning or to come home at the lunch break. Sometimes after work but I did not give up 😊 I will continue! Thank you for the great programs, they are absolutely great!

Thank you for the support and motivation you gave me.
I definitely have more confidence and my willpower to train every day is getting stronger. I can't wait to "show off" to my friends.

I am super proud of my results thanks to Joana's workouts, so diverse and super effective. I started with a monthly challenge a year ago and I became so interested in her training that a year has passed and I continue to do it with great desire. I have never loved going to the gym in my life, but with Joana's home workouts I managed to achieve a unique transformation and my much desired and dream result. And the combination with workouts and diet made me see results very fast. I am very glad that I discovered the radiant Joana who is also very motivating and helpful.

I have just finished ‘FITLATES start’ and I want to thank you for the amazing workouts! I feel great. I will continue with the ‘Booty Builder’ program and I can no longer imagine a morning in which you do not greet me 🥰 in two words - YOU ARE GREAT and THANK YOU!

On the first photo, I had a BMI of 21.5. I wore correction shirts to cover up my tummy. When I told people that I wanted to lose weight, I was often told that it was really not necessary: I would become waaaaay too thin. I would defend myself by saying that although my overall weight was good, I was not satisfied with my proportions and that it was not good for my health to have this level of fat around my waist. The moral of this story: when setting your goals, stay close to yourself. Only you know what suits you and what makes you happy in the end. Make your own plan. The only one you have to agree with is you.

Thank you so much for the amazing workouts :) It took me a while to get addicted to them :) I signed up for the challenge mostly because I was fickle, but that's not the case anymore! I get up every morning at 5.30 am to drink my coffee in peace and start training :) The first month I did the Home Run Cardio, which gave great results and motivates me even more to continue :) I continued with Max21. So far, I have lost 6-7 kilos and -4 cm on the hip and thighs, I have not measured the waist, because it has never been a problem for me, but tightening is felt everywhere :) I have not yet chosen the next program, but I am sure whatever I choose, I won't regret it :)

Hi, this is my progress, for now, the result is not very big, because for a couple of reasons I stopped training, but I follow the diet from the 28-day menu. I feel much better and I hope to be able to start training again soon and the next time the result will be greater.

The online studio is great, there are so many different workouts, I'm never bored, on the contrary, I exercise because Joana motivates me, but also calms me down. I can also track my progress in my personal account, such as how much and what kind of training I have done. I also like the motto "Do something today that your future self will thank you for!''

I’ve had a weight problem for a long time. I tried dieting to achieve quick results but ended up only gaining more weight!!! Nearly 3 years ago I found Joana and I am so happy because thanks to her training I finally got the desired results! Some say that training at home does not lead to results but I'm against that statement and I think my photos prove it 🙂 Thank you again, dear Jo. You motivate me every day to show up and keep going!